an earth based approach to guidance through life transitions
Supporting your life’s transitions through connection with the more-than-human realm.
Services I Offer
Confronting challenges and asking life questions with a perspective beyond what humans can see on their own.
This gives traction to effectively know how to move forward.
Developing and upgrading a spiritual practice that connects you directly to the earth and spirit in its many forms.
This is spirituality as embodiment and lifeway.
Honoring the big transitions in life through personally crafted, powerful ceremony.
Weddings, blessingways, and more.
Being human together in a way that helps us to human better. Connection, support, texture, joy, Life.
Community events like Mother Moon Circles and Seasonal Elemental Rituals.
Why work with Madeline?
We each make thousands of choices every day. From mundane decisions like where to buy coffee to deeper ones about relationships and career paths.
But there also is a bigger choice we must each make - the choice that guides all the other choices.
How do I want to live?
This choice is one of soul, of existence, of Life.
Will I step into the systems of our current world that perpetuate disconnection? Will I accept what is told to us about the way the world works? Will I numb myself out or float away in fantasy or stay completely in my mind detached from my heart so I can distract myself and cope? Will I stay stuck in cycles of blame, shame, and judgment of myself and others in ways that keep me exhausted and lost? Will I ever manifest the life my heart truly and deeply craves?
Will I step into the itchy, transformative, unknown of what could be possible for me, my family, and our world? Will I put myself out there in a way that might actually change things? Will I take the risk and listen to my heart? Will I reclaim the birthright that is my wildness and my authenticity? Will I dare to show the world who I really am?
Most of us would like to choose this alternative path. But get stuck about how?
To live in this way is fundamentally to live a life of connection.
Connection to all of the parts of who we are.
Connection to one another.
And connection to the more-than-human world - the earth, nature, plants, animals, stones, rivers, clouds, fire, water, wind, etc, and the unseen world.
By stepping into active relationship with the more-than-human world, we learn how to reconnect with ourselves and rediscover our essence and purpose.
Shamanism, or more specifically Animism, offers a pathway to this connection. As a shamanic practitioner, Madeline currently offers a variety of services to help you connect with the more-than-human realm to collaboratively support you in your life transitions.
Madeline was born to the Colorado prairie plains.
As a young adult, she moved to NYC, then Chicago, LA, and Pittsburgh. Over the course of a decade she developed an academic career in philosophical psychology.
After an unexpected spiritual awakening, she was called to let go of everything she had built.
She stepped into the Cycle Teachings, a formidable path of learning to live in alignment with ancient shamanic principles in a way that answers the unique challenges of our time.
Madeline continues to develop animist and shamanic skills and works to embody radical personal transformation. She employs the animist lifeway in the service of community in her hometown of Fort Collins, CO and non-locally over zoom.
May the rivers flow into your heart and open your path.
May the mountains great sound call you back to yourself.
May the thunderstorms quake and stir your heart into action.
May the birds sing out the joy and freedom of your being.
May the bugs welcome you back into your childhood knowing.
May the prairie grasses sway you peacefully, sternly into who you were meant to be.
May the blue sky expand your heart with the wonder and awe and greatness of life.
May the stones ground you into the true story of why you came here.
May you find the power in your heart, remember who you are, and have the courage to live your soul in wholeness.
all photos by Katie Langley @ktlangleyphotography
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